New initiative launching to reduce unsheltered homelessness

We’ve kicked off a new initiative to reduce unsheltered homelessness in Monroe County. The Community Foundation hosted a meeting with our partners in this initiative: Heading Home of South Central Indiana, Beacon, New Hope for Families, South Central Community Action Program, the Monroe County Public Library, HealthNet, Centerstone, & Monroe County’s Township Trustees.

In February, we kicked off a new initiative to reduce unsheltered homelessness in Monroe County. The Community Foundation hosted a meeting with our partners in this initiative: Heading Home of South Central Indiana, Beacon, New Hope for Families, South Central Community Action Program, the Monroe County Public Library, HealthNet, Centerstone, City of Bloomington, & Monroe County’s Township Trustees.

This initiative, funded with funding support from the Lilly Endowment, will advance evidence-based strategies focused on reducing Monroe County’s population of individuals and families experiencing unsheltered homelessness through increased case management, street outreach, and landlord engagement, and other homelessness diversion and prevention efforts.

For more information on this initiative, visit: and stay tuned for updates.