Initiatives and Programs

As needs and opportunities arise in Monroe County, the Community Foundation is poised to help our community respond to its most pressing needs and seize its most compelling opportunities through partnerships, convenings, and leadership activities. 

While designated and competitive granting often serve as the vehicles for addressing areas of urgency or opportunity, the Community Foundation may also elect to provide proactive funding in areas of particular significance to our community.  Currently, the Community Foundation is providing focused leadership in the following areas:

Monroe Smart Start

Monroe Smart Start promotes early childhood education through high-quality early learning experiences, professional development for educators, family engagement, community partnerships, and advocacy. Through Monroe Smart Start, the Community Foundation is collaborating with partners to ensure all children aged birth to five across our community and region are prepared for success in school and in life. Check out the Monroe Smart Start website to learn more and find valuable resources for families, child care providers, and Monroe County residents.

Regional Opportunity Initiatives
and The Indiana Uplands

In 2016, ROI was established as a supporting organization of the Community Foundation. ROI’s mission is to advance economic and community prosperity in the 11 counties of what is now called the Indiana Uplands region. Through education and workforce initiatives and placemaking strategies, ROI supports progress in the region that encompasses Brown, Crawford, Daviess, Dubois, Greene, Lawrence, Martin, Monroe, Orange, Owen, and Washington counties. Learn more about ROI at
Learn more about the Indiana Uplands region at

CDFI Friendly Bloomington

CDFI Friendly Bloomington is a nonprofit organization that is implementing a new strategy developed for the unique challenges of smaller communities to increase flexible and affordable financing to businesses, housing developers, nonprofits, and others in Bloomington, Indiana, and surrounding Monroe County. Learn more about CDFI Friendly Bloomington at

Place-Based Impact Investing

As an organization deeply committed to the long-term vibrancy and vitality of Bloomington and Monroe County, the Community Foundation strives to meet both pressing needs and compelling opportunities through an expanding toolbox of locally relevant strategies. Place-Based Impact Investing is the newest addition to our impact roster.

The Community Foundation has committed up to 5% of our endowment assets for impact investments that generate both financial and social returns. Learn more at:

Women Who Care Giving Circle

Inspired by the growing national enthusiasm for the giving circle model, and supported by the Community Foundation of Bloomington and Monroe County, the 100+ Women Who Care is a local giving circle that aims to support local non-profits through collective giving. Women commit to attending four one-hour meetings per year at which they pledge to give a mutually-selected nonprofit organization. Learn more at