Save the date and secure your ticket for the Bloomington Rotary Toast.
Cary has been a champion for the Community Foundation and we’re grateful for all he does to support organizations, nonprofits and people in Monroe County.
Cary will be honored by community speakers and all proceeds will benefit the Compassionate & Caring Community Fund administered by the Community Foundation. The fund helps to provide grants to local programs and nonprofits that foster greater compassion in our community. Examples of the grants the fund may support include initiatives for at-risk children and families as well as critical illness support for those facing diseases such as cancer or Alzheimer’s. The fund also supports mentoring programs for people of all ages and programs that promote conflict resolution and civil discourse within our community.
The schedule for the evening:
6:00-6:45pm – Cash Bar and Appetizers
6:45-8:00pm – Dinner
8:00-9:00pm – Toast
This event is Black Tie Optional.
For tickets (individual tickets are $100), please email Jodi at [email protected].