11-year old Audrey Clampitt wanted to do something special for the healthcare workers, and all of the people hunkered down during the coronavirus pandemic.
“At first, I wanted to do something to tell the healthcare workers that we are thankful, and to the world, to say that we can really do this,” said Audrey. So, I decided to write a song, and maybe put piano in it.”
The Community Foundation’s Director of Marketing Betsy Trotzke recently got a chance to interview Audrey over Zoom to learn more about her, her love of music, and what she wants to do when she grows up.

Writing a song was a natural fit for Audrey. “My parents say that I’ve been singing since before I could talk,” said Audrey. She began playing the piano in kindergarten, and since the age of six has written more songs than she can count.
“I just come up with the words, and then if I can, I add music,” she said. “I like sharing my songs with the world, and this was a really good chance for me to do that and get a good message out.”
Audrey lives in Bloomington with her parents Andrew and Abra, and has two younger siblings Naomi (age 9) and Lincoln (age 8). They also have a cat named Hoosier and chickens.
For her Overcome music video, Audrey said she took inspiration from other videos, but that it was her dad who had the idea to film familiar places in Bloomington and on the IU campus that people might be missing.
“That was the first time I ever really created a music video,” added Audrey. “I hope people take away a lot of hope from this because we can overcome this. I know in my family that Naomi and Lincoln keep asking, and I do too, ‘when will all of this be over?’ We just need to know that it will be over at some point and that we can get through this. We will.”
Since schools have closed, Audrey said she’s been using her time at home to work on her music and has taught herself to play the ukulele, a gift she received this past Christmas. Her next song on the ukulele will be about her family, and we were lucky to get a sneak peek.

While music is her passion, Audrey has many other hobbies as well. She likes to bake with her mom, read, and write her own stories. When she grows up, she wants to be an author, illustrator, actress, and songwriter.
“I’m actually working on a book right now,” Audrey added. “It’s called the House of Secrets and I think I’m on page 95. I want to get to 150, then to 200. I want it to be pretty big, because my plan is to publish that, then I want to make it into a musical. Then, I can do all of my things at once – write a book, read it, sing and star in it.”
Audrey’s determination and talent inspire us. Follow your dreams, Audrey! The Community Foundation would like to thank Audrey and the entire Clampitt family for sharing their time and talents to spread this uplifting message of hope.
Audrey attended Lakeview Elementary School this year. She is heading into 6th grade this fall and will be 12 years old in October.