Donors have the opportunity to define the purpose of their giving by choosing to direct a gift to any of the Community Foundation funds listed below or by establishing a new named fund with its own defined purpose. Click each fund type for a description and list of current funds.
Unrestricted Funds
Unrestricted funds provide the Foundation with the resources and flexibility to meet ever-changing needs of our community—including future needs that often cannot be anticipated at the time the gift is made. These funds allow us to respond to the community’s most pressing needs and compelling opportunities, today and tomorrow.
- 50+ Men Who Care Fund
- 100+ Women Who Care Fund
- Alisa Hendrix Family Fund
- Amanda and John Burnham Philanthropy Fund
- Becker Family Fund
- BloomBank Community Fund
- Bohrer-Howard Fund
- Bunger & Robertson Fund for Community Impact
- Burns McRobbie Family Fund
- Carol and Mayer Maloney Fund
- Carol M. Shapiro Fund
- Cassady Unrestricted Fund
- Claflin Unrestricted Fund
- Cockerham Family Unrestricted Fund
- Curry Auto Center Unrestricted Fund
- Cutshall Family Fund
- Daisy Hinkle Garton Fund
- Dan and Tina Peterson Unrestricted Fund
- Deborah Lemon Community Fund
- Doris Seward Fund
- Dorothy Frapwell Unrestricted Fund
- Dr. John Thiel Community Fund
- Ethelyn Bergevin Unrestricted Fund
- Fitzgerald Unrestricted Fund
- Frisbie Family Fund
- George and Viola Taliaferro Fund
- German American Bancorp Community Fund
- Gros-Louis Unrestricted Fund
- Halder J. and Florence Catherine Palmer Fund
- Herald-Times Fund for Bloomington and Monroe County
- Herbert and Angela Caldwell Community Fund
- Herman B Wells Fund
- Jack Harlow Fund
- Janice L. Frissell Memorial Fund
- Jefferson and Mary Shreve Unrestricted Fund
- John Bethell and Kathleen I. Bethell Unrestricted Endowment
- Johnson Lidster Family Fund
- Ilknur Premo Ralston and Robert Ralston Community Fund
- Kanne Unrestricted Fund
- LeBien Unrestricted Fund
- Lee Balliet Memorial Fund
- Lindsey Family Community Fund
- Lloyd and Joan Olcott Fund
- Macatangay Family Community Fund
- Martoglio Family Fund
- Mary Strain Rash Fund
- Matthew Kovach Memorial Unrestricted Fund
- Phil and Margaret Hathaway Unrestricted Fund
- Plale Schroeder Family Fund
- Poling Unrestricted Fund
- Regina and Don Moore Community Fund
- Remak Family Community Fund
- Rosemary and Jack Wentworth Fund
- Ruth Aydt and Von Welch Community Endowment Fund
- Sabbagh Community Fund
- Santner Family Fund
- Shindell Unrestricted Fund
- Smithville Telephone Company Unrestricted Fund
- Spoonmore Family Fund
- Stallsmith Family Community Fund
- Stephens Family Memorial Fund
- Stevens Family Unrestricted Fund
- Team Erin
- Teri Klassen Unrestricted Fund
- The Julian Fund – “All Shall Be Well”
- The Peoples State Bank Community Fund
- Tichenor Unrestricted Fund
- Unrestricted Endowment Fund
- Vaughan Family Fund
- Walters Family Fund in memory of John and Janet Manis
- White Hogan Family Legacy Fund
- Wuslich Family Fund
- Young Family Legacy Fund in Memory and Honor of Loved Ones Past and Present
Donor Advised Funds
Donor advised funds give donors the opportunity to play an active, personal role in their charitable giving. Each year, donors recommend a use for grants from the fund while relying upon the Foundation’s staff for expertise in fund administration, record keeping, investing and grant making. These funds offer the ability to involve an entire family or group in making grant recommendations and can pass on to future generations if desired. In addition to many anonymous family funds, the following advised funds have been established.
- Arnold Animal Fund
- Bert Hoadley Fell Sr. Memorial Fund
- Bill C. and Patricia P. Brown Fund
- Bloomington Rotary Foundation Endowment
- Bloomington Sunrise Rotary Club Fund
- Coach Wayne and Jan Nichols Exceptional Effort Fund
- Cole Family Virtuous Cycles Fund
- Curry Auto Center Fund
- Daniel Wayne Moore Donor Advised Fund
- Danise Alano-Martin Fund
- DeBruicker Family Fund
- Ecumenical Campus Ministry Fund
- Edmonds Family Fund
- Fair and Civil Workplace Fund
- Friends’ GIFT Fund
- Ginkgo Fund
- Hane Family Fund
- Harold Eugene Brewer III Memorial Fund
- Hobie Billingsley Memorial Fund
- Hurlow Wealth Management Fund
- Hyde Park Endowment Fund
- Ivy’s Charities Fund
- John and Joyce Poling Fund
- John and Sue West Fund
- John D. and Patricia W. Mulholland Fund
- Kiwanis Club of Bloomington Endowment
- Kruzan Fund for Kids and Canines
- Leigh Allison Neal Memorial Fund
- Limestone Heritage Fund
- Michael List Fund
- Miller Family Fund
- Morrison Family Fund
- M. Phil and Margaret E. Hathaway Fund
- Nat and Patty Hill Fund
- Old National Bank Fund
- Peterson Family Fund
- Philip C. Hill Fund
- Premo and Ralston Families Fund
- Richey Family Fund
- Robert D. and Suzanne P. Mann Fund
- Sara and Bob LeBien Fund
- Seward Family Fund
- Squirrel Family Fund
- The Better Day Maker Fund
- Theile Family Fund
- Tichenor & Theile Family Fund
- Tim and Dorothy Ellis Fund
- Weller Family Fund
- William D. Cutshall Memorial Fund
Agency & Designated
Agency and designated funds allow you to direct your gift to a specific agency or purpose. Almost any 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization may be designated to receive support for its mission. You identify the recipient(s) you wish to benefit through your gift and our staff manages the annual distribution of funds from the endowment. More than 50 local nonprofits benefit from funds at the Community Foundation.
- Amethyst House Fund
- Animal Basic Care (ABC) Fund
- Area 10 Agency on Aging Fund
- BCT Management Endowment Fund
- BDLC Fund for Tomorrow
- Beacon Emerson Endowment Fund
- Beth and Dan Lodge-Rigal Fund for Women Writing for (a) Change Leadership Initiatives
- Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Monroe County Fund
- Bloomington Community Band Fund
- Bloomington Meals On Wheels Endowment Fund
- Bloomington Parks & Recreation Foundation Fund
- Boys & Girls Club of Bloomington Fund
- Branch Fund for the Monroe County Humane Association
- Brown’s Woods Endowment Fund
- CASA Endowment Fund
- Catherine Olmer Legacy Endowment Fund
- Community Kitchen Fund
- Conservation Law Center Fund
- Conservation Law Center Endowment Fund
- Constellation Stage & Screen Endowed Fund
- Crisis Pregnancy Center Fund
- David L. Henson Fund for Boys & Girls Club
- DistinXion Fund
- Doris Seward Fund for Monroe County Historical Museum
- Dyslexia Education Fund
- Edgewood High School Dollars for Scholars Endowment
- Ellettsville Main Street Fund
- Family Resource Center Fund
- Farm to Family Fund
- Farmer House Museum Fund
- Foundation of MCCS Library Fund
- Frank Nelson Young, Jr. Fund
- Fred Seward Nature Preserve Fund
- Galen Dolby Christian Legacy Fund
- George E. Archer Foundation, Inc. Endowment Fund
- Habitat for Humanity of Monroe County Fund
- Harmony School Endowment Fund
- HealthNet Bloomington (VIM) Fund
- Hoosier Hills Food Bank Endowment
- Housing Security Endowment Fund
- Ilknur Premo Ralston Memorial Scholarship Fund for Leadership Bloomington Monroe County
- Ivy Tech Endowment Fund
- Jane A. Gouker Fund for MCCSC Strings
- Jane and Jerry McIntosh Fund
- Jane L. Enoch Scholarship Fund (for Bloomington Montessori School)
- Janis Stockhouse Endowment Fund (for Bloomington High School North Band Boosters Association)
- Jessica O. Novotny Fund
- Joan Burton Memorial Fund for Stone Belt Arc
- Joan Scully Carmack Endowment Fund (for Girls Inc.)
- Joyce E. Claflin Endowment Fund for USA Harp International Competition
- Judith B. Feldpausch Fund
- Kay Dinsmoor Fund
- Lake Lemon Enhancement Fund
- Lake Monroe Water Fund Endowment
- Language Conservancy Endowment Fund
- Latimer Woods Endowment Fund
- Lee Williams Artist Fund (for Lotus Arts & Education Foundation)
- Lenore Anderson Endowment
- LIFEDesigns
- Local Council of Women Legacy Fund
- Lotus-Fitzgerald Endowment Fund
- Lynton K. and Helen W. Caldwell Fund
- Mary Lou Miller Fund (for Bloomington-Posoltega Committee of Sister Cities)
- Middle Way House Endowment Fund
- Monarch Environmental Education Fund
- Monroe County Building Preservation Fund
- Monroe County Children Matter! (CAPE)
- Monroe County Historical Society Museum Fund
- Monroe County Humane Association Fund
- Monroe County Public Library Foundation Fund
- Monroe County United Ministries Fund
- Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard Endowment
- My Sister’s Closet of Monroe County Fund
- New Unionville Baptist Church Fund
- Olcott Youth Scholars Fund for Bloomington Parks & Recreation Foundation
- Presidents Endowment for the Boys & Girls Club of Bloomington
- Quindearia G. Courson Fund
- Raj Haddawi Patient Assistance Fund
- Ray Baldwin Camp Scholarship Fund
- Reva and Jack Shiner Endowed Fund for Constellation Stage & Screen
- Richland Bean Blossom Community School Foundation Endowment
- R. Keith Michael and Marion Bankert Michael Fund
- Roland E. Kohr Fund for New Hope Family Shelter
- Sassafras Audubon Society Fund
- Smithville Technology Scholarship Fund
- Success School Fund
- Sue Jones Fund (for educational support of Kappa Kappa Gamma)
- Susan A. Moke Fund for the Writing for a Change Foundation of Bloomington, Inc.
- Susann McDonald Endowment Fund for the USA International Harp Competition
- Switchyard Park Endowment Fund
- Theodore H. Appleton Fund (for Monroe County Humane Society)
- The Mikolaj Family Fund for Edgewood High School Band
- The Sycamore Land Trust, Inc. Stewardship Endowment Fund
- The WildCare Fund in Memory Of Wayne E. Luetzelschwab, Who Cared for and Helped Young and Injured Wildlife
- Tichenor Endowment for Stone Belt
- United Way of Monroe County Community Care Fund
- Viola Taliaferro Fund for Restorative Justice (for Community Justice and Mediation Center)
- Waldman Art Fund
- WFHB Endowment Fund
- WildCare Inc. Fund
- Windfall Dancers Inc. Endowment Fund
- WonderLab Fund
- YMCA Fund
- Youth Services Bureau Fund
Field of Interest
You can target your gift to address needs in an important area of community life. Grants awarded to community agencies and programs from field of interest funds address a community need in your chosen area of interest.
- Animal Welfare Fund
- Annie Allen Fund for Thriving Parents, Babies, and Toddlers
- Basic Needs Fund (for food, shelter, and basic medical care)
- Carolee A. Mehlinger Fund for Children and Youth
- Citizens for a Better Bloomington (for grants within the City of Bloomington)
- Curry Family Fund for a Compassionate and Caring Community
- Delbert and Rosemary Miller Fund for the Arts
- Duke Energy Fund
- Flick Medical Emergency Fund
- Geraldine Newton Jones Fund (for early childhood education)
- Hoosier Hills Credit Union Better for Our Communities Fund
- Kimberly Schmalz Ochsenschlager Fund for Monroe County Children
- Leck and Savastuk Bravo Fund
- Lewis Fund for Early Childhood Education
- Linda Simon and David Sabbagh Fund for Early Childhood Education
- Marina Svetlova Fund for Dance
- Mary Coffman Tilton Fund for Classical Music
- McCourt Fund for Early Childhood Education Fund
- Monroe County Access to Recreation Endowment (for inclusive recreation)
- Our Children, Our Future Fund
- Perry and Nancy Metz Housing Security Endowment Fund
- Precision Health Network Fund (for health education and outcomes)
- P. Stuart and Anna L. Holmquest Innovative Programs for Children Fund
- PTS Electronics Corp. Beautification Fund
- Ray & Marcie Tichenor Fund for Education and Health
- Readable English Fund
- Shelter Endowment Fund
- Simpson-McCarty Family Fund
- Technicolor Arts Education Fund (for K-12 arts education)
- William Joseph Sturgis, Patricia Sturgis, Frank & Ruby Smith Memorial Fund
Scholarship funds can be used to support students across the spectrum of educational attainment. The minimum gift required to establish a scholarship fund is $40,000. Specialized rules and procedures govern scholarship funds and we encourage interested donors to contact the Community Foundation to learn more.
- Carl Deal Jr. Scholarship Fund
- Gene T. and Doris O. Shipp Scholarship Fund
- JP Morgan Chase Bank Scholarship Fund
- Judy Talley Scholarship Fund
- Maurice E. and Frances Harding Endwright Scholarship Fund
- Michael LeBien Graduation Scholarship
- Monroe County Ag Day Scholarship
- Pi Beta Phi Alumnae Club Betty Burnett Welke Scholarship Fun
- Stinesville Alumni Scholarship Fund
- The Camisha R. Sims Memorial Nursing Scholarship
- Tom Moeller Memorial Scholarship Fund
Charitable Gift Annuities
Charitable gift annuities allow donors to make legacy gifts for causes and organizations while receiving income for life.
- Jane A. Gouker Charitable Gift Annuity
- John & Gerry Miller Gift Annuity Fund
- Phil & Margaret Hathaway Gift Annuity Fund
- Tomi and Jim Allison Charitable Gift Annuity Fund
The Foundation serves as the fiscal sponsor and financial administrator for a number of funds that have been specifically established as temporary funds for a unique purpose.
- Alexander Memorial Fund
- Allard Family Charitable Fund
- Arlene Huss Cook Memorial Fund
- Audrey Heller Jewish Theater of Bloomington Fund
- Bloomington Board of Realtors – New Hope for Families Capital Gifts Fund
- Conservation Law Center Fund
- David Haeberle Envisage Entrepreneurship Fund
- DEI Impact Investment Fund
- Lake Lemon Enhancement Fund
- Local News Fund
- McRobbie Family Advised Fund
- Michael and Tina LeBien Donor Advised Fund
- Michael Keating Lindsay Fund
- MJM Fund
- Monroe County CASA Long Term Non-Permanent Fund
- Monroe County Fair Association Fund
- Never Lose Hoop Fund
- Uplands Science and Technology Foundation Fund
Like other charities, the Community Foundation is strengthened by diverse revenue sources, including operating endowments. Income from these funds supports our work across the community in partnering with donors, area leaders, businesses and nonprofit organizations. Gifts to our operating endowments enable us to continue making a difference by connecting caring people, important causes and community resources throughout Monroe County. When not needed for such purposes, this income may be added to the strategic grantmaking pool.
- Community Foundation Board of Directors Fund
- Operating Endowment
- Scott Walters Fund for the Community Foundation